Monday, May 16, 2011

The answer to the first question

 You might be wondering, is it dry?
 When one is young and reckless, they might be inclined to answer the question immediately and say "Of course its a dry fruit thats what fell into the water", but this answer is both ignorant and naive. Yes, what fell, or was thrown into the bathtub, is indeed a dry fruit. However you assume the bathtub is full of water. For the sake of interest and argument we will assume the non-trivial situation, i.e. full of water, to be the one we are dealing with.

 I once asked this question to a wise man, his response was both humbling and unexpected. "It becomes a juicy peanut" he said. The reply wormed its way through my neurons until it hit my prefrontal cortex. Boom! The question to the answer was formulated.

 That answer though witty and thought provoking did not satisfy me. So the question was now, "Is dryness an intrinsic property of dry fruits?". The immediate response is yes. That is, after all what defines a dry fruit. So the peanut is there in the bathtub, unsure of itself, wondering if it might float or let itself glide to the bottom.

 Now we can surely say, the peanut is indeed still a dry fruit, can't we? Well, the peanut is wet now, is it not?
It is submerged in water after all, so its definitely not dry. What is commonly known as a smart-ass, will be telling him or herself that the peanut is still a dry peanut. They will protest, loudly. "It is a wet dry fruit!" not knowing how ridiculous a statement that is.

 Okey doki, I know what your thinking. "Wait. She has a point, if you take the peanut out of the water it still looks like a dried peanut. It doesn't revert to its original state". Good point. However this is probably due to entropy, something to explore in later posts. Also the peanut is still not dry. Unless YOU dried it, you cheater.

 So, for those still doubting. The peanut is no longer a dry fruit. Why? It's wet, and for those skeptics out there, a longer answer might be: dryness is not an intrinsic property of a peanut. Its a defining property of a dry fruit. Which means that the at most you could say, "The peanut used to be a dry fruit, though it no longer is".

And remember, the glass is never empty... Its full of air.

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